

To use TEAmod, first install it using pip:

pip install teamod

Creating a TEA object

To create a TEA object, you can use the teamod.TEA class:

For example:

>>> import teamod
>>> example_TEA = teamod.TEA(
>>>                          IRR=0.10, # percent as decimal
>>>                          project_duration=40, # years
>>>                          purchase_cost=10_000_000, # currency
>>>                          hourly_variable_operating_cost=675, # currency/h
>>>                          hourly_product_flows=[300, 200], # (mass or energy or other units)/h
>>>                          product_prices=[4.2, 1.1], # currency/(mass or energy or other units); must have the same order as hourly_product_flows
>>>                          # check the API for a full list of arguments
>>>                         )

Solving a TEA

To solve a TEA, you can use either the get_NPV_given_IRR function, or the get_IRR_given_NPV function, or the get_MPSP_given_IRR function.

For example:

>>> example_TEA.get_IRR_given_NPV(0)

Generating a cash flow report

To obtain and save a cash flow report for your project, you can use the get_cashflow_report function.

For example:

>>> example_TEA.get_cashflow_report('example_TEA_cashflow_report.xlsx')